The mission of the Goodwill Excel Center (GEC) is to transform lives through the power of achieving a high school diploma and accessing post-secondary education and careers in growing, sustainable local industries.
At GEC, We Believe...
Every student should be given an opportunity to earn their high school diploma, regardless of age, past experiences, and current life circumstances.
Learning must be relevant, rigorous, and engaging for all students.
A school is a learning environment and a community. Every student and staff member contributes to the school culture.
For our students to be successful at GEC, they must feel safe, respected, valued, and supported during their journey.
Growth is an accumulation of small ‘wins’ that add up to great outcomes and it is especially important to celebrate all types of growth for each student.
GEC Graduates Will Be...
Motivated – display perseverance in the face of adversity, maintain a sense of personal accomplishment, and strive for economic improvement and stability.
Future-focused – demonstrate confidence in their next steps and plans beyond graduation.
Prepared – prepared to enter or advance in their career and/or enter a post-secondary education or training program.
Balanced – attend to social and emotional wellbeing, experience improvement in personal relationships in their family and personal lives, and practice healthy habits and decision-making.
Education Advocate – promotes the importance of education to their family, friends, and community because it’s never too late to return to school and achieve their goals.