The Real Cost of College

There are several things to consider when you think about the real cost of college also known as the “cost of attendance.” Most schools will provide this information by way of the “net price calculator” as mandated by the federal government. You might not consider, books, transportation, supplies (pens, pencils, highlighters, paper), purchasing a laptop and there may even be a healthcare requirement.
A good place to start your online research on the university’s website is with “tuition and fees” followed by “room and board” if you plan to stay on campus. If you plan to stay off campus then maybe you will have an apartment or rent a room, depending on what is financially beneficial for you.
Oh, almost forgot one thing, your tuition deposit. This amount usually ranges from $100 – $1,000 USD for you to commit to a school but that money goes towards your tuition and saves your “seat” for classes. So, it is very important to pay this deposit as soon as you have decided to commit to that school.
For more information, please contact a member of the CCR Team.
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