Return from Spring Break Testing Requirement

All GEC students and staff who come into the building are required to sign out a rapid test kit before spring break (prior to Friday, April 8th).

  • If you are a student who is virtual only – you do not need to complete the testing.
  • All tests must be submitted by all GEC staff and students who come to GEC for classes, testing, and meetings prior to coming to GEC on Monday, April 18th.

Your Next Steps Are (for detailed steps download the PDF):

  1. Sign out your COVID test before you leave for Spring Break.
  2. Take the COVID test on Sunday, April 17th or Monday, April 18th before school.
  3. Log your COVID test results (negative or positive) in the DC Health portal:
  4. If your COVID test result is negative – you are ready to come back to GEC from spring break!
  5. If your COVID test result is positive – do not come on site, stay virtual and:
    1. Students – reach out to your academic success coach for next steps.
    2. Staff – reach out to your Lead/Mgr and Chelsea Kirk for next steps.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Lead/Manager or Academic Success Coach. You can also reach out to Chelsea Kirk via email (, on Teams, or by phone 202-839-3652.

Thank you for the completion of these steps for the return from break protocols!